(The song playing is "All Right, All Ready" written by David Horn, sung by David and Rachel) 


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Evangelists David and Rachel Horn & Rebekah

"Truth and Life Ministries"

       We are almost 12 years old now but it seems like only yesterday that God spoke a Bible verse to me, (John 14:6 - I am the way, the truth and the life), and we were born. Little did I know then the plans God had for Truth and Life.

     As you will read in our bio's, I was able to meet and be in the presence of some of the greatest Evangelists in the world at a young age. It believe it was there that God planted something in my life that would later allow me to be used the same way those men were used. God uses this ministry in the prophetic and in divine healing. He also uses me to minister in revelation knowledge and there are times that God will speak to me in my office things that almost blows my mind.

     Rachel and I are very blessed to have a dual ministry and when we say dual we mean that God has allowed us to minister not only in Word, but also in song. We record with top of the line Nashville musicians and the quality of our music is some of the best. We do not fit into a lot of the Southern Gospel music circles because we are very country. (In fact the song playing now is one I wrote and Rachel and I are singing it.) Country Gospel to the bone. We are also not about a show. If you are looking for a show, don't call us. We are looking to change someones life forever to Jesus Christ and the Bible tells us that it is the anointing that destroys the yoke.

This website is still under construction but this will allow you to know who we are. Our prayer is that someone will see something here that will cause a change or open their mind to question. God is so good and His Power is in no way limited by a phone line.

    Keep us in your prayers and if you think we can serve you or your ministry, get in contact with us. We are here to serve.

          You may contact us at: 

                                                       Truth and Life Ministries

             (Bishop David Horn)                 

 1964 Longmeadow Dr.

Sissonville, WV  25320

(304) 988-0542-Home   (304) 444-1907-Cell



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